Happy Anniversary and Pandemic Care

27 Oct

Happy Anniversary to Daniel & Buzi. On October 25, they celebrated 14 years of marriage. The Christian Mission for Myanmar board and friends want to wish them another year of love and happiness. We are grateful for their model of Christ’s love and ministry.

Daniel, Buzi and their sons Gideon, Ezra, and Nathanael
Daniel, Buzi, and their boys built their house to be large enough as a children’s home also; they care for 8 additional students, plus Daniel’s mom lives with them.

Note from CMFM board: We recently learned that with the modest funds Daniel and Buzi receive for ministry each month, they have already spread their care to include not only their 3 boys and Daniel’s mom but also 8 kids living in the home, and also helping 3 MBI college students who could not get home during the pandemic shutdown.

Now they are even sharing their stipend with other ministers who are struggling to feed their families during the pandemic. So they are stretched especially thin. If there is any extra you can donate during this season, it is going directly to care for people in need. 

Also special 2020 financial information: The U.S. CARES act increased the contribution limit of adjusted gross income to 100% for 2020. This means that for every dollar given to charity, donors can deduct up to the full amount of their income. This is a massive benefit for your donations.

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