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Greetings from Myanmar! ministry travels & more

14 Mar

Greetings from Myanmar! Again, thanks to all of our friends who are faithfully supporting CMFM ministries and MBI in so many ways. God bless you all.

My Family
God is good all the time! We are all doing well.
• Gideon and Ezra Kaemark now have summer break. They continue summer English school and they enjoy it. Nathanael is still in school.

• Buzi and the ladies from our church have done a great job. They had a wonderful four days’ evangelistic trip to Mindone, central Myanmar. They taught cooking, Bible, praising and entertainment. I always thank God for my family, for they all love God and ministry and support me in any ways in my ministries.

• For Gideon’s medical check, Singapore is too expensive and we now enquiring in Bangkok but it will be in the first week of April if we get an appointment.

Ministry Center
The children living with us in our home are all doing well. Even though we have some financial difficulties to support all of these children, the Lord who loves the, is faithful to take care of them, and we finished this school year peacefully. One boy is taking his high school final exam and will be done on Wednesday.

Summer Outreach
With six students, I am leaving today (March 11) to Naga land in the north west. The youth camp and ministers’ seminar/ leadership training will be in Taho from Mar. 18–23. Thank you very much for supporting these ministries. As I always mention, there is much need in these far remote areas. Please pray for our safety and to God be the glory.

We held graduation for 31 graduates on Feb. 13. MBI had another milestone this year—we had one Master of Divinity graduate from this year. As summer break is a huge ministry time for us, some teachers and students have already left for youth camps and other ministries. Please pray for our ministries. Thank you all.

Enjoy the attached photos.

Daniel Mawyio

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to CMFM, Daniel’s summer ministry travels or for continued care of the children at the ministry center, here’s how you can give:
Follow the link and instructions and choose “Christian Mission for Myanmar” as your designation.

***Make the check out to Echo Church & on the memo line write: CMFM
Echo Church
PO Box 6067
Cincinnati, OH 45206

Forwarding Agent: Kelly Carr (kelly)

Thanks for loving Myanmar: updates & needs from Daniel Mawyio

5 Feb

Oct 2018—Jan 2019

Greetings from Myanmar! We are sorry that you are having record low temperatures and suffering cold in some parts of your country. We are praying that you are warm and safe. Thank you again for your participation in Myanmar ministries. Enjoy the update and some pictures from our ministers’ seminar and leadership training in the Northwest, as well as some pictures Scott Hudson took of our ministry center.

Thank God and friends for supporting us. By God’s grace, all of my family members are doing well.
• Gideon stopped piano course for the winter and will continue in the summer.
• My three boys enjoy their school. The younger boys are happy for no exams while Gideon is preparing for his final exams in the next week.

We had a great time in December. After I came back from NW, my family took a trip to Putao, in the north in Kachin state where Buzi’s mother and brother live. We went for Buzi brother’s wedding, and it also a nice family reunion for Buzi and all of her sisters and relatives. Buzi reunited with her sister who lives in Singapore and another sister and her family who live in New Zealand and many relatives; about 2000 people participated on the wedding day.

We thank God and are grateful from our hearts to each of you for your support as we built our ministry center and home.

We thank Steve and Kelly Carr, who’ve done a great job in fundraising to finish the construction, God bless you all. The major construction is done and well enough to stay in, but we still need some funds to finish some small things. We are really enjoying the new house and so happy to receive our friends anytime.

Last week we had a good visit with Scott and Kathy Hudson. So far we have 14 people in the house. After MBI graduation, 3 students who cannot go back home will stay with us in the summer and 4 students will for a while before they go to youth camps.

Buzi and I also had a good time with Kent and Marcia Odor when they came to Pyin Oo Lwin at the end of last year. I am so grateful to ACS for their partnership and encouragement of us. God bless you all.

Myanmar Bible Institute (MBI)—This is the last week of the school year, next week will be the final exam: 31 students, including the first M. Div. student, will graduate on Feb. 13, 2019.

We again thank God and grateful to sponsors and friends for your faithful partnership in Myanmar ministry. During this academic year, 7 brothers and sisters from the U.S. sponsored 8 students $40 per month so they could attend MBI. That makes them have a better future and it increased the number of MBI students this year.

God answers our long-time prayer. Some of you may remember about the old properties that the authority took from MBI. We get 5 acres back. We had about 16 acres total, but we don’t know why the government did not return the whole land. We are still praying to get the whole land back. Please join us in prayer. The office and dining hall are under construction. MBI still has financial difficulty. Since the school year is finished, we are preparing for summer ministry trips.

December trips—As the best gospel season in Myanmar, MBI teachers and students took several gospel trips to many places. Final year students and some teachers participated in Lower Myanmar Churches of Christ/Christian Churches Convention in Myawady. The teachers were involved in both in teaching and preaching. The students participated in night programs and other services and then took other gospel trips to different places.

I went to NW with a student and held a ministers’ seminar in Jampan church of Christ in Lahe township. Around 50 church leaders and members attended in this one-week seminar. This time I chose the book of Acts, that contains all about the good news of salvation of Jesus and practical church ministry. Besides the teaching, I preached the Word of God in several places as He opened the door to share the gospel. The result was wonderful; lost souls turned to Christ. Four people changed their lives in Christ and will be baptized soon in Lahe church, and some changes and improvement among the church leaders and some achievement in the ministry are seen after this program was started since a couple years ago. I am so happy to see the changes in these neglected remote areas. This is the victory that the Lord has been doing through your faithful partnership in His kingdom work.

Children ministry—In March 2018, I brought 7 children from the NW and keep them in my home, plus 1 MBI student, so totally we are 14 people in my house. Now they are preparing for the final exam in the second week of Feb. It’s so sad to hear the tragic stories how they lost their parents in their childhood in the isolated remote areas; some never saw their parents. Now they are safe and happy in the school and in the community, but they need sponsors. So far each person needs around $40 per month that can cover all the needs: food, clothes, school fees, and stationaries. That means one child needs $1.40 for one day. I need $400 each month for 10 children in coming in the new school year.

Nursing Aid program—Some of you may remember last two years, many children and older people died in Lahe township in Naga Hills, in NW by the seasonal flu. Last Monsoon, it happened again in Dunghe township and some children died. I shared the pictures to some friends on Facebook to pray for them and pray how can we fill their needs. Thank God, He touches many people’s hearts and responded to their prayers. Especially, thank you so much to Joana T. Jones, the director of Asian Children Mission (ACM) who raised funds for 8 nursing students whom I sent from the affected areas to Rural Nursing school in Yangon. They will finish the course in May. After they complete their courses they will go back to their villages that are in isolated remote areas; we hope they can help provide better health care in their communities.

1. Gideon needs to take MRCP scan and CT scan as the doctor from Cincinnati Children’s instructed us to do it once a year for three years. It should have been in Nov. 2018 but I asked Cincinnati to do it in Summer. Last year we did it in Yangon but the only hospital that can do an MRCP is not satisfactory. They cannot read Gideon’s medical treatment record CD from Cincinnati. So this time Buzi and I want do it in Singapore or Bangkok somewhere. We will need about $3000 for the whole trip. Please pray for this need. If God will provide donors, we want to go at the end of Feb before Gideon’s Summer English class starts.

2. Summer youth camp will be started in March 18, 2019 in Thaho (1) church of Christ in Pang sau township. The churches request me again to lead the youth camp as usual. And leadership training will be at the same time in the same place. I am planning to take 5 students, to lead the youth camp. We have the people ready and the strength, but we need your participation both in prayer and in financial matters. We will need $2000 (this will be including one Sound Box that the church need which will cost around $500).

God bless you all, thank you.

Daniel Mawyio
Myanmar Bible Inst.
123, Thiri Yeikthar St.
Ward 1, Pyin Oo Lwin

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Daniel’s outreach ministry or for Gideon’s medical needs, here’s how you can give:
Follow the link and instructions and choose “Christian Mission for Myanmar” as your designation.

***Make the check out to Echo Church & on the memo line write: CMFM
Echo Church
PO Box 6067
Cincinnati, OH 45206

Forwarding Agent: Kelly Carr (kelly)

Your support is changing lives in Myanmar

3 Oct

July through September 2018

Hi all! I give glory to our Father who is so good to us, and I’m praying that you all are doing well. It is very exciting to share the works of the Lord that are being done here in Myanmar. Thank you all for your participation for His glory.

The Family
We are all doing well. Thank for your constant prayers for our family and our ministries.

• Gideon turned 12 on August 1. He is healthy and growing. He likes swimming and goes to the pool every weekend. He needs to take an MRCP again in November, as it was instructed in Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. If God wills and if we have money, we want to do it in Bangkok or Singapore—somewhere the hospitals have more advanced medical technology. He took the test last year in a hospital in Yangon, the only hospital which has an MRCP machine. And they said they cannot read the surgical history data-recorded CD that is given from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. And the result was not satisfactory. Thank God, Gideon is doing great since we came back from CCH.

• Nathanael goes to pre-school in September that is in a different place. He turned 5 on Sept 15.

• Ezra and Nathanael enjoy their school.

• The building is complete now, and Buzi is very happy to host our guests and friends in a new house that she has been dreaming of.

The Orphanage

We started this children’s ministry in April. Nightly Bible studies and a devotion program are exciting daily events for the family (see photo). We are doing a Bible study on the book of Acts that is all about salvation and ministry, and the results are great. Four of seven from the orphanage have decided to be baptized (see photo). They are trying hard and growing spiritually. One boy has broken his arm and was hospitalized but now he goes to school. Please remember this ministry in your prayers. Financially, we are struggling—the family is sharing what we have but do not cover their daily needs. Mainly, they need food, clothing, stationaries, and slippers. The winter is close now, and they will need blankets and winter clothes.

MBI (Myanmar Bible Institute)

The first semester went well. God is leading us, although it is financially difficult. Some newcomers will be added in the second semester, and nearly 80 students are enrolled this year. We enjoyed our semester break last week and the second semester started this past Monday, October 1.

It was really busy semester for me. We had a biannual meeting of the board of trustees on September 25. Dr. Robinson has been appointed as the President, and I will serve as Vice President. I thank God and was glad to have completed some necessary changes for the institution during my leadership: the decades old constitution and bylaws were revised, our quarter system has changed to a semester system, the M. Div. degree program started, and with the EC members, we budgeted the yearly and monthly needs that haven’t been done publicly before. And we led the presidential election successfully. Now I am thinking to start finding a way for further studies before I am getting too old.

The churches in the NW

The churches in the Nagaland in the NW are growing and the believers are increasing. Recently, 6 people converted to Christ in Lahe church. Taho Christian Bible school has moved to a new place, and 20 students are studying the Scripture there under the leadership of one of MBI’s graduates from this academic year.

On the other hand, in some places people are suffering from natural disaster and diseases. Many children and old people died last year by flu or diseases, formerly reported as unidentified diseases. It happened again this year in monsoon season and 7 children died.

Many rice fields and some houses were struck by a landslide in the NW. In some villages, rats destroyed all rice plants and crops. They are facing famine. And many people are facing trouble from the floods. Please pray for these people.

Again, thank you very much for your constantly prayers and financial support. God bless you all!

Daniel Mawyio
Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation
to Daniel’s ministry and/or the ministry center building project, here’s how you can give:
Give online (new, updated giving portal):
Follow the link and instructions and choose “Christian Mission for Myanmar” as your designation.

Donate via check:
***Make the check out to Echo Church & on the memo line write: CMFM
Echo Church
PO Box 6067
Cincinnati, OH 45206

Forwarding Agent: Kelly Carr (kelly)

We’ve moved in! Thank you & more . . .

18 Jul

report on April-June 2018

Greetings from Myanmar!

I am praying that all of you are doing well. Thank you very much for your prayers and your support. Please rejoice with us in how Kingdom work is being done through CMFM by your participation in Myanmar.


In May 9th we moved to the new house and this is A BIG BLESSING and A BIG CHANGE for our family. (Please see the attached photos.) In the first week, we stayed awake till over midnight because of happiness and excitement! The construction is not complete yet—but it almost done and was complete enough to move in and have enough rooms for 14 people and guests. We are so thankful to you, our friends, for sponsoring for the construction.

***We still need financial support to complete the building and for labor fees. There are several things such as painting, wiring, and water pipe fitting that were not included in the original estimate.

• We will need an additional $5,000 to complete the building.
(See giving options below.)

Although it is not completed yet, the building is already scheduled for ministry purposes. We hosted the Naga Christian Fellowship service at the end of June, and around 70 people attended. The ladies’ Bible study began. And in a few weeks we will host the MBI faculty fellowship dinner.


By the grace of God, we are all doing fine. I myself had a stomach problem and was hospitalized for a week in April. The colonoscopy shows the stomach is somewhat damage severely, but thank God I took the treatment in time. I am still taking medicine, but now I am working normally.

Summer is filled too. Buzi participated in church youth camp and other activities as usual. Plus she does all the work of caring for 14 people in our home.

Many boys and girls enjoyed the youth camp. About 120 young people attended this year, and three people were baptized.

We are blessed to have 5 to 10 guests throughout the summer. Some come for their children’s education and some come for medical treatment and some for visit. Gideon and Ezra Kaemark started their school in May. Gideon is doing well, and his teachers recommend him as a good student in the school. Ezra is a little bit slow to learn, but he likes to learn and school. Nathanael Jungmark will go to preschool soon.


1. Teaching and preaching:
Even though I am not fully well, God always gives me strength to serve Him as much as I can. During April and May, after I came back from the youth camp in the Northwest, I also had preaching and teaching opportunities in our church and other churches. I taught based on the book of Philemon entitled, “From the slave of sin to the slave of Christ” in a one-week session at Bethel Church (Assembly of God), in which about 60 people attended, including some non-Christians.

I also thank God for the opportunity to share the gospel among our Nepali brothers and sisters. (We called it “Resurrection festival.”) I shared a story in this Nepali church, around 30 minutes’ drive from MBI. One of my friends and me started their Sunday school program when we were MBI students in 1990s. At that time, only one Nepalese young man was a Christian—and now it has become a growing church.

On Mothers’ Day, I preached in Naga Christian Fellowship service. It consists around 50 people from different denominations. I led this program five years and directs to the biblical doctrine from denominational teaching.

2. Orphanage:
As I mentioned last time, I started the orphanage/youth ministry this summer with 7 teenagers, age 13 to 16—5 boys and 2 girls; some are orphans and the rests are raised by single parents who cannot support them for their education. They are from very remote and isolated areas in Northwest, but they have high aims for their future and are capable young men and women for future leadership in their community. Now we have rooms for them, but we need funds for food and clothes and stationary fees and health care.

• It is estimated that each young person will need $40 per month.

3. MBI:
MBI opened in June 1 with 76 students, including 26 freshmen. We thank God for sending more students than last year. It is wonderful that more young people choose Bible college among many other options. Also, we can start an M.Div. program this year with 2 students. We hope two or three more students will come in the second semester. The blessings are coming more in MBI this year.

Brother Scott Hudson volunteered to recruit sponsors for student scholarships ($40 for one student per month) and so far 8 students have been sponsored. We are so thankful to Scott for his dedication and to the sponsors who are doing life-changing ministry in Myanmar. And it is a blessing to MBI to have more students.

We also had regular scholarships awarded each year to selected students but this year we have no funds for them. These students are selected from last academic year. There are 7 students and some remain one year, some two years and some three years to complete their degree. We hope to find $1,500 to cover their fees for the whole year.

I am teaching 4 days a week. We have also had meetings on weekends besides weekly faculty meeting. I am trying to lead a smooth transition of the college and on the other hand, we are doing a review of the decades-old constitution and prospectus. The State educational policy will be changed totally in 2020, so we need to change MBI’s admission policy too. We’ve also made a new budget policy. The monthly need of the institution is $3,000 but we have a monthly income of about $1,000, so the school needs $2,000 monthly still.

We hope to get back the old compound of MBI soon; we are informed that the government is working, and the process is improving much more. Please keep praying for our ministries and the needs of the ministry.

We thank you for keeping all these needs in your prayers. We trust God will make a way.

Thank you very much for your constantly prayers and financial support. May God bless you all.

Daniel Mawyio
Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation
to Daniel’s ministry and/or the ministry center building project, here’s how you can give:
Give online (new, updated giving portal):
Follow the link and instructions and choose “Christian Mission for Myanmar” as your designation.

Donate via check:
***Make the check out to Echo Church & on the memo line write: CMFM
Echo Church
PO Box 6067
Cincinnati, OH 45206

Forwarding Agent: Kelly Carr (kelly)

Donating to Daniel: a new online option

19 Jun

Dear friends of Daniel Mawyio and his Myanmar ministry:

Now when you give to Christian Mission for Myanmar (CMFM) through Echo Church, there is a new giving portal. It will look different but will be easy to use. Click here to see it:

Echo Church has switched over to this new system that has better features for the user as well as those of us on the administrative side.

What this means for you:
1. If you have an automatic recurring giving option set up for Christian Mission for Myanmar (CMFM), you will need to stop the current automatic setup and start a new one under the new system. Click here to access both the old and the new:

2. We do have a month grace period, giving everyone time to switch over. Any donations made under the former portal will go through this next month.

3. All the former records of you donations have been moved over, and we have kept track of all.

4. If you want to alert to others to give either to Daniel, feel free to share this link to anyone. The Mawyios have been able to move into their new ministry house, but they are still in need of funds for final finishes and new ministry opportunities.

Please let me know if you have any questions. THANK YOU for your generosity.


Kelly Carr

Writing & Editing Consultant

Ministry update: CMFM (Daniel & Buzi Mawyio)

17 Apr

Note from forwarding agent: Please read the updates below from Daniel Mawyio and share them with individuals or churches who may want to give to God’s Kingdom work in Myanmar. Thank you for your continued support of the Mawyio family and ministry.

Hello all! Here is the report of some of our summer activities. We are praising God for the opportunities that we have to serve. See photos attached also.

Thank you for your support and prayers.

My Family
We all are doing fine. Gideon is taking English and piano courses on weekdays. Ezra Kaemark is attending the Beginner I Special class in Summer English school. Nathanael likes cartoons, especially he enjoys the “Naruto Japanese adventure cartoon,” and he can sing its title song very well.

Now they have four new friends who I brought from NW. They enjoy speaking the same language. My mother is trying to adjust among all the noisy grandchildren. Buzi and I enjoyed attending my nephew’s graduation in Mandalay last week. We will have a youth camp in our church next week, during the Buddhists’ water festival. Buzi and kids are preparing for that, and I am invited to teach in a VBS in another church during that week.

Mission House
Now our family is growing by some boys and girls that I brought from NW to start the orphanage/children’s ministry, as I have planned to do after the construction is done. Some more boys and girls will come before the school year begins in June.

95% of the construction is done now. Wiring and water pipe fitting is being done this week, and then they will do painting and flooring. Since the water festival is a national holiday, all the businesses will be closed next week. Please remember our needs in your prayers.

Youth Camp and Ministers’ Seminar
A one-week youth camp and ministers’ seminar was done successfully March 20-26 in Khamki Village, Pangsua Township. I took 7 students this time. They all are from NW and working very hard. It is another remote village in the northern part of NW, bordering Arunachal Pradesh in India. It took four days to get there; by taxi to Mandalay airport, then we flew to Myitkyina and continued to Tanai by van on the same day; that saves one day for me. And then one day by van, two days by motorbike to the village. Typically, this is the summer and dry season in Myanmar, but in the NW it rains any time. If there is no rain, it takes one day from Myikyina to Pangsua by car. Thank God, we traveled safely along the way.

Our theme this year is “The ones whom Jesus exalts!” Hundreds of people are thirsty for the Word of God. Including the children, around 400 youth attended (this is the largest numbers we ever had since I started the youth camp programs in 2011). We divided them in three groups—elementary, junior, and senior youth classes. The church made three plastic tents for classrooms, but the activities are done in an outdoor field because the rooms are not big enough for the campers. The ministers’ seminar was done in the church building.

Since they were born and are growing up in remote rural areas, the youth feel the future is hopeless in their life. It is true that many young adult males become drug addicted, the females spend their lives in the kitchen and in the farm, and their future does appear hopeless. It is good to teach them the Scripture that Jesus saves us from sin and also He is our future. I taught about “Jesus Deity and His Redemptive Work” to the senior youth class one hour every day. For more attraction and personalization for the young people, I titled the subject “Jesus and Me.”

8 people received Jesus as their personal Savior and were baptized at the camp. Many people came to believe in Jesus, but since most of the campers are from Baptist churches, in respect for the neighbor denominational churches and their traditions, I encouraged them to be baptized in their mother churches by their ordained pastors.

The ministers’ seminar was also conducted in the same week. 25 elders, ministers, and Sunday school teachers attended. I taught “The Church and Ministry,” the same subject that I taught in Wangtong seminar but with a little bit different emphasis. Christianity became cultural, and most of the churches waiting for the people to attend worship services. They don’t go to the people who need them. Many people are being Christians because others are. We reminded them what the Scripture says about “The Church and her mission!” The principal of Htaho Christian Bible School, a graduate of MBI taught “Church History.”

We had a combined worship service with all the youths and ministers each night, and the youths performed. I got an opportunity to preach the gospel each night, and many people came and listened to the Word of God from nearby villages. We were blessed. One man decided to be baptized, along with his two adult sons. The churches request to continue these programs every year.

Please Remember these newborn souls and ministries in your prayer.
God bless you all. Thank you.

Daniel Mawyio

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation​ to Daniel’s ministry and/or the ministry center building project​:

Give online:
Follow the link and instructions and choose “Christian Mission for Myanmar” as your designation.

Donate via

***​Make the check out to Echo Church &​
on the memo line write: CMFM
Echo Church
PO Box 6067
Cincinnati, OH 45206

​Send encouragement to the Mawyio family in Myanmar:
Daniel & Buzi Mawyio
Gideon, Ezra, Nathanael
No. 123, Thiri yeiktha St.
Ward 1, Yugoslav, Pyin Oo Lwin

Forwarding Agent: Kelly Carr (kelly)

Answers to prayer, funds needed, & Daniel is Interim President

20 Feb

Note from forwarding agent:
Last week we sent out an update with some prayer concerns for Daniel’s mom and major changes at MBI. Please read below for the good outcomes. Also see photo updates of Daniel’s new home/ministry center.

Funds are needed:
If you would like to designate a donation to the ministry center or to the youth camps described below, please see the bottom of this email for giving instructions. Please share the word with any churches & friends who would share in God’s work in Myanmar.

Greetings! We are praying that you are all doing well. Thank you very much for your prayers last week. Here are some updates:

Praise for doctor’s report:
Thank you so much for your prayer for my mother. God answered our prayer that the lump on her check is not cancer.

House/Ministry Center funds needed:
Thank you very much for supporting us to have a mission center house—it has become a beautiful building. (See photos.) My kids are very eager to move in a new building; they go and play around the building every day. The roof of the construction is done, now fitting the pipe. But I still need more funds to complete it. Please keep praying for that.

Daniel is MBI Interim President:
Yohan Mana resigned as president of MBI after serving 23 years, but he still will teach at the school. As Vice President, I was appointed as Interim President at the Board of Trustee meeting on Feb. 13 and I will server until a permanent president is appointed at the semi-annual meeting in September.

We are praising God for the victory that He has done through MBI. The graduation was successful on Feb 14, 2018. We produced another 21 servants of the Lord for future ministry. Some are already engaged to serve in the churches and in Bible schools in their native lands. Four Naga students graduated from my homeland, the northwest this year. One earned a Bachelor in Theology degree, and she is going back home to teach in Htaho Bible school. Three earned Diplomas in Theology and they all are qualified to attend Bachelors classes next year. (See photo.)

Youth camps, ministry seminars & funds needed:
• Some of us teachers and students are preparing for youth camps. One group will go to the Putao area in the north and another will be in northwest. The churches in Pangsua area have decided to do a youth camp and ministers seminar in Khamki village in the northern part of northwest.

• Seven students from the northwest are staying at my home and preparing for the camp. Buzi is busy shopping and cooking for all of us. Please pray for our trip, for we have to travel through Kachin state where the war is happening now and we also need fund for the programs.

• We will need around $1800 for the youth camp and ministers’ seminar.

The boys:
Gideon and Ezra won third and second prize in their Sunday school classes. Gideon had his final exam yesterday; he was excited about it. Ezra finished his kindergarten class.

May God bless you all.

Daniel Mawyio

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation
to Daniel’s ministry center building project or youth camps:

Give online:
Follow the link and instructions and choose “Christian Mission for Myanmar” as your designation.

Donate via

***​Make the check out to Echo Church &​
on the memo line write: CMFM
Echo Church
PO Box 6067
Cincinnati, OH 45206

​Send encouragement to the Mawyio family in Myanmar:
Daniel & Buzi Mawyio
Gideon, Ezra, Nathanael
No. 123, Thiri yeiktha St.
Ward 1, Yugoslav, Pyin Oo Lwin

Forwarding Agent: Kelly Carr (kelly)

Hello from Daniel Mawyio

12 Feb

Note from forwarding agent, Kelly: There are plenty of financial needs in Myanmar. Please read the updates below and share them with individuals or churches who may want to give to God’s Kingdom work in Myanmar. Thank you for continued support of the Mawyio family and ministry.

Happy New Year to you all!

We are so thankful to God for the blessings and the ministerial opportunities that we had in 2017 and so excited about what God will fulfill through us for His glory in 2018. Thank you very much to our friends and sponsors for your prayers and supporting us in Myanmar ministry. We are sending the best wishes to you to be a blessed new year.

Family updates:

Under His love and mercy, we are all doing well.

• Gideon is excited to take his final exam that is township level test. From this week, he is practicing some performances with his friends at school to present on the school birthday.

• Ezra has no anxieties for exams because they don’t have exams in KG class since the educational policy changed.

• We enjoy Nathanael’s intelligence and speaking skills like an adult.

• Buzi is busy in her own ways with social and church activities besides housework. I am busy with my school agenda.

• My mother has a lump on her check and took biopsy and will know the result this week. Please pray for it not to be cancer; about fifteen years ago she had breast cancer and they were able to remove it.

House/Ministry Center Construction:

The construction is near complete. It stopped while I was traveling in December (see below) because of financial shortage. But now it’s continuing with the inner rooms. Next we start roofing. And then fitting pipes, wiring, and flooring will follow. Although we originally expected it to finish in December or January, now hopefully it will be completed by the end of February. We simply hire limited workers under a limited amount of money because I cannot give the demanded amount. Everything is God’s blessings, flowing through His faithful people and God is working in His timing.

MBI graduation & decisions ahead:

This week MBI is ending the school year. All the faculty members and students have worked hard to complete their work. The graduation will be Feb 14th—and 21 students will graduate this year. We are revising the constitution and by-laws of the institution. If it is approved in the annual meeting tomorrow, Feb 13th, some changes will be expected in next academic year. We are praying these will be good changes for the future.

Ministry training:

As usual, the Christmas season was filled with joy and excitement, having more opportunities and activities in the ministry. MBI (Myanmar Bible Institute) was involved in several different places during Christmas break. At least in seven places, the teachers and the students actively participated in preaching, teaching, and other services. I conducted a ministers seminar successfully in a village called Wangtong in Lahe township in NW. It has two different ways to get there. By flight from Mandalay to Khamti that takes one and fifteen hours and then two days by motor bike to the village. Another way is three-day trip by boat from Mongywa to Khamti and then another two days by motor bike to the village. I always take the first option which saves much time. I took one teacher and a student from MBI. The student is from this village and hadn’t seen his wife and 3-year-old boy for one year.

The village is one of the remote, isolated Naga villages. Many people are thirsty for the gospel. Including some church members, around 50 people attended the seminar; 30 were ministers, church leaders, and Sunday school teachers as expected. I taught “Church and the Ministry” and my friend taught “1 Timothy.” We had worship services and Bible study programs at night during the week. More church members participated in the night programs. We realize that they have to be made sure the biblical doctrines of “Assurance of Salvation,” “Baptism,” and “The Lord’s Supper” (because nowadays, the Calvinist’s doctrine about “Once saved, always saved” influences in the churches). As the ministers went to short-term Bible training schools, seminar programs are effective to help them continue developing skills in both leadership and doctrines. After the seminar, we celebrated Christmas. Many people from nearby villages came and heard the Christmas message. And I had the wonderful opportunity to perform a friend’s wedding in Lahe Church.

Enjoy the photos attached also.
Thank you, may God bless you all!


If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation​ to Daniel’s ministry and/or the ministry center building project​:

Give online:
Follow the link and instructions and choose “Christian Mission for Myanmar” as your designation.

Donate via

***​Make the check out to Echo Church &​
on the memo line write: CMFM
Echo Church
PO Box 6067
Cincinnati, OH 45206

​Send encouragement to the Mawyio family in Myanmar:
Daniel & Buzi Mawyio
Gideon, Ezra, Nathanael
No. 123, Thiri yeiktha St.
Ward 1, Yugoslav, Pyin Oo Lwin

Forwarding Agent: Kelly Carr (kelly)

Merry Christmas from the Mawyio family

13 Dec

To all our friends & supporters,

Merry Christmas to you all! Thank God for sending His begotten Son to save us from sin. We are rejoicing ​and
his wonderful good news.

Our family is doing well, and we are very blessed. See how Gideon, Ezra, and Nathanael have grown (photo attached). Gideon’s health is doing great. Thank you for all of your prayers for his healing. This Christmas he will get to participate in a night out with our church caroling group with his friends, and he is so excited for that.

I am attaching the recent pictures of the construction of the Mission House, our ministry building. We still need some amount of money to complete it. We appreciate all of your generous donations.

MBI closed for Christmas break on December 8 and will reopen January 2, 2018. We have serval gospel trips during the break. I left for NW on Dec. 9 with two other friends to share the gospel and to lead a ministers’ seminar. I am scheduled to come back Dec. 24.

The Lower Myanmar Churches of Christ gathering was successful in Hsipaw, Shan ​S​
tate on Dec. 1-3. It is a great event among the Lower Myanmar churches. About 300 people—both Christians and non-Christians were there. Myanmar Bible Institute had a great chance to participate—the whole school was involved, plus 5 teachers spoke in the main sessions, and I was one of them. (You can see MBI’s participation and my speaking in the photos attached.)

Thank you very much for your support for our ministry. May the Lord bring you blessings!

The Mawyios

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, you can give online:
Follow the link and instructions and choose “Christian Mission for Myanmar” as your designation.

Or ​donate via
checks ​through
Echo Church:

***​Make the check out to Echo Church &​
on the memo line write: CMFM
Echo Church
PO Box 6067
Cincinnati, OH 45206

​Our mailing address​
Daniel & Buzi Mawyio
Gideon, Ezra, Nathanael
No. 123, Thiri yeiktha St.
Ward 1, Yugoslav, Pyin Oo Lwin

Forwarding Agent: Kelly Carr (kelly)

Daniel Mawyio: Myanmar update & year-end giving needs

27 Nov

Christian Mission for Myanmar (CMFM)

Daniel & Buzi Mawyio

November 2017 update

We hope you are doing well and had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We all are well and so thankful for your prayers and support. Here are some gospel opportunities and plans for Christmas season—which is the best season to share the gospel in our country. Please remember us in your prayers.

** Note from forwarding agent: let us know if you can assist financially with the specific needs listed. All giving is tax deductible. Giving instructions below.

1. During the second week of December, we will have a ministers’ seminar in Wangton village, in Lahe township, NW. 30 ministers will present there.

• We need funds for the seminar. They have rice, but we need to buy other foods and materials.

We need traveling expense also. I need to take 2 friends with me.

a) Travel: $300 x 3 persons = $900

b) Food. $3 x 33 persons = $99 x 7 days = $693

Total needs = $1600

2. I will send recent pictures and the progress of the construction of the ministry center soon. Thank you for all your support. If you would like to continue giving for that project, we appreciate it.

3. Gideon and I went on November 10 to Yangon to Gideon’s medical checkup. We got a specialized MRI and sent the results to Cincinnati Children’s as they requested. The results showed that Gideon’s liver, spleen, pancreas, and both kidneys looked good. A follow-up CT was recommended. We hope the Cincinnati doctors are pleased with the scan results.

4. Christmas break for Myanmar Bible Institute (MBI) will be from Dec. 8 to the first week of Jan, 2018.

5. The combined Christmas of Pyin Oo Lwin Christians churches will be Dec. 24-26 in Wetwun, 10 miles from MBI, where most of the inhabitants are Buddhists.

6. The Myanmar Christians Churches Committee meeting was November 14-17, 2017 in our church here in Pyin Oo Lwin. The Lower Myanmar Christian Churches Convention will be in Dec. 1-3 in Tsipaw around 80 miles from MBI. MBI will participate in several areas. I am scheduled to teach one of the programs.

Please pray for these ministry plans and the gospel opportunities. Thank you. God bless you all.

Daniel Mawyio


If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, you can give online:

Follow the link and instructions and choose “Christian Mission for Myanmar” as your designation.

Or write checks to Echo Church:

Echo Church

PO Box 6067

Cincinnati, OH 45206

**on the memo line write: CMFM

Daniel & Buzi Mawyio

Gideon, Ezra, Nathanael

No. 123, Thiri yeiktha St.

Ward 1, Yugoslav, Pyin Oo Lwin


Forwarding Agent: Kelly Carr (kelly)